AGLC Announces New High-Alcohol Beer Policy

EDMONTON, AB – Following on their November 26th decision to ban beers above 11.9% abv until further notice, the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) announced today that they have established a new policy that will make high-alcohol beers allowable again.

The policy is based around a new set of mark-up rates (i.e. the amount that the provincial agency adds and collects on top of the supplier’s price, customs and excise taxes and duties, and recycling and deposit fees) which are more in line with other higher alcohol products.

For beers under 11.9%, the mark-up rates remain at $0.20 to $0.98 per litre depending on the size of the brewery. Over 11.9%, the new rates are as follows:

Greater than 11.9% and less than or equal to 16% – $4.05 per litre
Greater than 16% and less than or equal to 22% – $9.90 per litre
Greater than 22% and less than or equal to 60% – $13.30 per litre

This new mark-up policy goes into effect December 17th, and a full updated list of mark-up amounts for all alcohol products in Alberta is now available on the AGLC website.

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