Sawdust City, Charlevoix & Black Oak Collaborate on Commemorative Beer for Canadian Brewing Awards

MONTREAL, QC – As previously reported on CBN, the 2012 edition of the Canadian Brewing Awards will be taking place this coming weekend in Montreal in conjunction with the Mondial de la Bière, and now comes word that CBA attendees will be receiving something extra-special in their event gift bag.

In a post yesterday on the Sawdust City Brewing blog, brewmaster Sam Corbeil reveals that he recently collaborated with brewers from Microbrasserie Charlevoix and Black Oak Brewing on a special one-off beer to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the CBAs. The result is How Do You Say Monkey In Latin?, a 6.8% abv ale described as a “Dubbel IPA”.

The full description from the blog post:

Using the malt and yeast body of a Belgian Dubbel we added in the hop profile of an American IPA and what we ended up with was ‘How Do You Say Monkey in Latin?’. Continuously hopped for 60 minutes with a boat load of Galaxy, Nelson Sauvin and Legacy hops, then dry hopped with another boat load of the same hops, Monkey turned out like nothing we’d ever tasted before. Not really a Dubbel and not really an IPA, this beer has massive aromas of berries and wine, with just a hint of banana lurking around in the background. The flavour is much of the same, some sweet malt melted into blackberry jam and red wine. Quite unique, and yet very drinkable… and at just under 7% abv, that could be trouble.

How Do You Say Monkey in Latin? is a limited edition one-off beer available exclusively to attendees at the Canadian Brewing Awards. It was bottled this past Monday June 4th and is a bottle conditioned ale, with a suggested “best after” date of July 31st.

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