Nickel Brook Preparing to Release Café Del Bastardo Imperial Stout

HAMILTON, ONNickel Brook Brewing has announced the upcoming release of a new limited edition variation on its Old Kentucky Bastard Imperial Stout.

Café Del Bastardo is a 14.5% ABV and 70 IBU Imperial Stout with the following notes:

As if Kentucky Bastard wasn’t an amazing enough beer as it is, our brewers have gone and done something even crazier! Adding 6 pounds of whole-bean coffee from our friends at Tamp Coffee Co., we’ve elevated the roasty coffee and cocoa notes in this black beauty, balanced against the intense bourbon and vanilla imparted by the barrels.

Café Del Bastardo will be released soon in a limited run of 750 ml bottles available exclusively at the Nickel Brook retail shop in Burlington, and via LCBO Online for delivery across Ontario.

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