Finalists Named and Voting Now Open for Phillips 2018 Benefit Brew

VICTORIA, BC – Phillips Brewing has named the shortlist of nominated charities for Phillips Benefit Brew 2018, and voting is now open to select which organizations will have a fundraising beer brewed in their honour.

The 20 charities in the running – 10 in British Columbia, 10 in Alberta – and the beer style that will be brewed for them should they win include:

British Columbia
The Nature Trust of British Columbia (Russian Imperial Stout)
Habitat Acquisition Trust (Coffee Stout)
Wolf Awareness (Belgian Golden Ale)
Together Against Poverty Society (SMaSH Ale)
Rare Disease Foundation (Toasted Buckwheat Brown Ale)
H.R. MacMillan Space Centre (West Coast ESB)
eatART Foundation (Belgian Apricot Wit)
BC SPCA’s Wild ARC (Honey IPA)
Victoria Film Festival (Altbier)
Power to Be (Ancient Grain Pale Ale)

Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary (West Coast ESB)
Alberta Conservation Association (Toasted Buckwheat Brown Ale)
Knight’s Cabin (Honey IPA)
Red Deer Museum & Art Gallery (Belgian Golden Ale)
Citadel Theatre (Coffee Stout)
Art Gallery of Alberta (Ancient Grain Pale Ale)
Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (SMaSH Ale)
Wildnorth (Belgian Apricot Wit)
Farming Smarter (Altbier)
Pet Access League Society (Russian Imperial Stout)

Votes for the charity and beer of your choice can be placed now at Voting will close on December 4th and a winning charity/beer for each province will be announced on December 5th.

The beers be released on February 5th, with proceeds of up to $10,000 going to the applicable charities. In addition, the other 18 nominated charities will each receive a $500 donation.

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