C’est What Announces 1812 Bicentennial Brewing Challenge

TORONTO, ON – In honour of the bicentennial commemorations of the War of 1812, Toronto craft beer bar C’est What has announced a Bicentennial Brewing Challenge for this year’s edition of the Summer Festival of Craft Breweries, which will take place on June 22nd and 23rd during Ontario Craft Beer Week.

According to the official announcement, breweries are being asked to create “beer that derives significant flavour characteristics from adjuncts” that would have been commonly used in local brewing 200 years ago. More specifically:

Brewers are encouraged to use ingredients likely to have been in the Toronto gardens of the early 19th century. So, the use of herbs and root vegetables are encouraged. Things like coriander, licorice, caraway seeds, ginger, honey, and pumpkin would certainly have found their way into a brew, or two, in 1812.

The announcement also notes that C’est What will be partnering with the official War of 1812 commemorations that will be taking place over the next two years, and that the possibility of a special 1812-themed beer release at the LCBO will be investigated if there is enough interest. And while there are no stylistic limitations being implemented for the challenge, there are two specific rules that must be followed: “West Coast hops are not allowed and all draught should be casked.”

On a related note, C’est What owner George Milbrandt has posted on a local homebrewing forum to gauge interest in a parallel competition for homebrewers. More details on this initiative will be announced as plans are confirmed.

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