Pepperwood Beers of the Month for July

pepperwood_logoBURLINGTON, ONPepperwood Bistro & Brewpub have announced the details of their Feature Beer of the Month and Cask Ale of the Month for July.

The Feature Beer will be tapped on Friday, July 3rd, and is a German Style Wheat Beer: “Moderate banana and clove flavor. The soft, grainy flavor of wheat is complementary, as is a slightly sweet Pils malt character. Hop flavor and bitterness is very low. A tart, citrusy character from yeast and high carbonation is present. Well rounded, flavorful palate with a relatively dry finish.”

The Cask Ale will be available on Friday, July 24th, and it will be an English Mild: “A malty beer, with flavors including caramel, toffee, toast, nutty, chocolate, coffee, and roast. Low bitterness, enough to provide some balance but not enough to overpower the malt. Fruity esters moderate.”

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