Collective Arts Brewing Brings Back Guava Gose

HAMILTON, ON – Collective Arts Brewing has announced the third annual release of a popular spring/summer seasonal brand.

Guava Gose (4.9% abv) is described as follows:

Pouring a beautiful soft cloudy pink and smelling of a tropical vacation, our Guava Gose is like a sour mashed wheat beer dosed with the largest and freshest batch of guava we could get away with. The base Gose has a balanced lemony tartness from the presence of malted wheat, Himalayan pink sea salt and coriander with a flowery bright smoothness from guava. The end result is a perfect balance of tart, sweet, and sour, leaving you refreshed and wanting more.

Guava Gose is available now in 4-packs of 355 ml cans at Collective Arts, and soon at grocery stores in Ontario, as well as other select regions in Canada and the United States.

Source & Photo: Collective Arts Brewing website

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