Brock St. Brewing Releases Caramel Apple Spiced Lager

WHITBY, ON – Brock St. Brewing has announced the release of a new limited edition seasonal lager.

Caramel Apple Spiced Lager (5% abv):

In October we collected over 100 pounds of apples from our friends at Hy-Hope Farms. We hand blended each apple to create a massive pot of sauce, then added it to specialty roasted malts in our brew kettle. Our brewmaster Blayne threw in some extra spices and we lagered this beer for six weeks. The results are outstanding and perfect for the festive season.

Caramel Apple Spiced Lager is available now at the Brock St. Brewing taproom, retail store, and online shop.

Source & Photo: Brock St. Brewing

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